Collaboration between Public & Private Entities

With a membership of more than 70 entities representing national transport authorities, transport associations and industry, CORTE is uniquely positioned to provide a strong platform for discussions and collaboration between national public authorities, international transport organisations and EU institutions on one side, and road transport industry (such as vehicle and equipment manufacturers) on the other. By bringing together public and private entities, CORTE facilitates the identification of critical road transport issues, provides its members with a mutually beneficial way to address, discuss and solve these issues, and creates synergies by networking and combining capacities to better address common challenges.

In addition, CORTE has partnered with the the International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee (CITA) to work on the topic of roadworthiness of vehicles. It is also an active member of European Union Road Federation (ERF), European Organization for Security (EOS), and European Cyber Security Organization (ECSO).



Technical Working Groups
Regulatory Evolution & Enforcement
Legislative & Policy Analysis
Liaison with EU and UN
Collaboration between Public & Private Entities
EU research and support projects